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Ransomware Protection and Backup Security for Government and Public Sector

Governmental organizations and the programs they sponsor are held to a higher standard of public trust, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t targeted by ransomware attacks and other threats. These attacks cause serious impacts to communities and can end up costing millions. Protect privileged information, prevent data corruption, and manage compliance requirements with Asigra.

When You’re Under Attack, Every Moment Counts

 Ransomware attacks on governments cause serious impacts, ranging from years of lost police dashcam footage (Atlanta, 2018) to disabled county jail surveillance cameras (New Mexico, 2022). But backups alone aren’t enough — advanced ransomware often remains dormant in your backups until you attempt to recover them, and then it strikes again, initiating what we call an Attack Loop™.  You may not be able to stop malicious code from entering your environment, but with Asigra’s Tigris Secure Backup Platform, real-time antimalware scanning isolates malicious code and alerts administrators of infections.

1 %

increase in ransomware attacks on governments worldwide in 2021

Source: Fortune

1 %

of global ransomware attacks in 2020 targeted municipalities

Source: Barracuda Networks


days = average time between a cyber breach and detection

Source: IBM & Ponemon Institute

$ 1 M

estimated cost of the 2019 attack that crippled Baltimore, MD for a month

Source: The Baltimore Sun


When Public Services Are at Stake, Manageability Matters

Backup security tools aren’t just about preparing for the worst-case scenario; they’re also about saving IT time on deploying and maintaining solutions across your entire IT environment. Of course, incident recovery is simpler and more effective as well, but Tigris’ agentless functionality means you don’t have to install on every source machine, decreasing your attack surface and helping endpoint devices run faster.

Protect Your Sensitive Data with Asigra

Government and other public sector information must meet the highest levels of privacy and security compliance. Asigra's backup and recovery solutions are NIST 140-2 compliant and use advanced AES 256 bit encryption to protect your data.   Get started today by speaking with an Asigra expert.

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