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Ransomware Protection and Backup Security for Entertainment and Hospitality

The service industry relies on a lot of moving parts, from ticketing and booking systems to payment options and rewards programs. Ransomware attacks and other threats can bring down whole networks of interconnected businesses and providers, not to mention target sensitive customer data. Make sure your data is protected with Asigra.

What Would You Do If Ransomware Locked You Out? 

Unfortunately, recovering from a malware attack isn’t always as simple as restoring your latest backup. Doing business involves a growing constellation of devices, networks, physical and virtual machines, and SaaS solutions with a range of data storage protocols. You may not be able to stop malicious code from entering your environment, but with Asigra’s Tigris Secure Backup Platform you can hunt it and eliminate it — even advanced ransomware hiding dormant in your backups.

1 %

increase in the number of ransomware victims between 2020 and 2021

Source: FBI


days = average time between a cyber breach and detection

Source: IBM & Ponemon Institute

$ 1 M

ransom paid by travel giant CWT in an attack that knocked 30k computers offline

Source: Reuters

1 %

of SMBs go under within 6 months of a major data loss or disaster

Source: Vistage & Cisco


When Your Business is at Stake, Manageability Matters

Easy-to-manage backup security tools aren’t just about convenience; they’re also about safety. Sure, they take less time for your IT department to deploy and maintain, but they also make incident recovery simpler and more effective. Tigris’s agentless functionality is key to both benefits — you don’t have to install software on every source machine, which helps endpoint devices run faster and is more convenient for IT, but it also decreases  the attack surface that malware uses to enter your system. 

Protect Your Sensitive Data with Asigra

Whether you're in pre-production, or post-production, protecting your data is essential and can make the difference in meeting deadlines and client expectations.  Speak with an Asigra expert about backup and recovery solutions for your studio, agency, or hospitality business.

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